What is B389 SMS Code ?

B389 B389

The B389 SMS Code is an operator code assigned to TURKEYSMS BİLİŞİM VE İLETİŞİM HİZMETLERİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ by the Information Technologies and Communication Authority (Bilgi Teknolojileri Kurumu - BTK). According to the BTK board decision dated April 12, 2016, numbered 2016/DK-YED/211, it is automatically added to the end of all SMS messages sent through the service.

As per the regulation by the Information Technologies and Communication Authority (BTK), operators sending SMS messages with alphanumeric character Caller Line Identification (CLI) must add their assigned Number Portability Routing Code at the end of the SMS text in compliance with privacy regulations.

By doing so, it becomes possible to determine which operator sent the SMS and which subscriber initiated it. Accordingly, one of the operator codes allocated by BTK, such as B389, is automatically added to the end of all SMS messages sent by subscribers.

Please note that our system does not have a shared list or number pool. If you wish to block commercial content SMS messages, you can click on the B389 code found at the end of the message received on your GSM number.


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